Faith Embassy Sacco is a community based savings and credit co-operative society founded and operated on biblical principles and values. The society was started in 2018 by Fathers House Family Church with the aim of improving the economic and social livelihood of its members. The sacco was registered under the Co-opreative Societies Act and the instuition is regulated by SASRA as a depositĀ  taking-sacco(DTS).

Our Vision:

To be a leading Sacco in Kenya empowering members to save and grow their wealth.

Our Mission:

To promote saving mobilization while offering affordable credit to members and empower them financialy.

Our Products & services


Empowerment Account

Minimum savings Ksh 1000

Junior Account

Minimum savings Ksh 500

Emergency Account

Minimum savings-Unlimited.

Asset/Investment Account

Minimum savings-Ksh 1000

Loans Offered

You qualify fo a loan at Faith Embassy Sacco after saving with us for 6 months.

M-power loan

The loan given is three times a member's deposit/savings at the interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance. The maximum repayment period is 12 months.

Education Loan

The loan given is three times a member's deposit/savings at the interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance. The maximum repayment period is 6 months.

Emergency Loan

The loan given is three times a member's deposit/savings at the interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance. The maximum repayment period is 3 months.

Asset/Investment Loan

The loan given is four times a member's deposit/savings at the interest rate of 1% per month on reducing balance. The maximum repayment period is 48 months.